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2021 Leaderboard

Swan Scoring Leaderboard

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Angels in Disguise

This will be a two part work out each worth 100 points.

It will begin with Worm Fran with a 5 min Cap.
At the 7 min mark will beginWorm Grace.
A: "Worm Fran" *5 min Time Cap

Both athletes will start behind the rig on the starting mat. @ 3,2,1 Go Athletes will move to their worm and complete 21 thrusters, before progressing to 21 Pull Ups. For the next round Athletes will advance their worm to 15, and complete the thrusters again. This will repeat until they finish the 9 thrusters and pull ups and advance their worm to the finish. There they will stand by for the next workout.

Movement Standards: Worm Thruster: • Athletes must face the same direction with the worm on the same shoulder. • Athletes must squat below parallel at the same time. • The worm is then thrusted up over the head and moved to the other shoulder to complete the rep.

Synchro Pull-Up
• Athletes must start in a hang position, shoulders and elbows locked out.
• Athletes must reach both of their chins over the bar at the same time for the rep to count. • Athletes must reach a full extension at the bottom before completing the next rep.
• An Arm lock out at the top does not matter.

Synchro Leg Raises:
• Athletes must start in a hang position, shoulders and elbows locked out.
• Athletes' feet must break the plan of the bar before reaching to above the hip crease.
• The feet must reach above the hip crease at the same time.

B "Worm Grace"
*Begins at the 7 min mark
*5 min Time Cap.

Athletes will advance their worm to the 0-10 box and complete 10 Worm Clean and Jerks. Then they will progress every ten reps until they complete 30 total before crossing the finish line.

Movement Standard:
Worm Clean and Jerk:
• Worm must start on the ground with athletes standing on the same side facing the same direction.
• The worm is then lifted to the shoulder, pressed to the other shoulder before being lowered to the ground.
• A lockout at the top does not have to be completed for the rep to count.

Teams will receive two scores from this workout. If you time cap you will receive a score of reps completed.  

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Santa's Sleigh

Air bike 20/25 cals
70ft Torque Tank push Unknown weight
15 Devil Press dumbbells 35/50 RX 25/35 scaled
70ft Torque Tank pull Tag repeat Score is time

12:00 min time cap

Both athletes will start on the starting mat, At 3,2,1, GO athlete One will begin with a 25 cal bike for men or a 20 cal bike for ladies, you must stay on the bike until the display reads 25/20.

After your cals are complete you will push the Torque Tank till the rear of the tank is past the green finish line.

At that time you will begin 15 Devil press; chest touches the ground at the bottom of burpee between dumbbells.

Dumbbells must move in continuous motion overhead: no clean and jerks. Rep is complete when both dumbbells are overhead with elbows, hips, and knees locked out and over the center plane of the body. After the 15th rep is locked out overhead the dumbbells must be placed on the mat. A 10sec duction will be assessed if the DBs are dropped from the overhead. After the DBs are placed on the mat partner one will pull the Torque Tank back till the rear of the tank is over the starting green line and tag partner two who will complete the same. Once Partner two completes the round by pulls the tank back to the green starting line and stands on the starting mat, time will end. The score for this workout is Time.

Tie break is the time the first round is complete.

Jingle All The Way

Two person Snatch Ladder 15 platforms

Judges move with the athletes and there will be 5 athletes on deck until the Heats are over.

Snatch RX Male weight Row 1 135/145/155/165/175 Row 2 185/195/205/215/225 Row 3 235/245/250/255/260 If BOTH athletes clear the ladder they will have a 30sec amrap of Snatches at 185lbs

Rx Female weight Row 1 85/95/105/115/125 Row 2 155/145/140/135/130 Row 3 160/165/170/175/180 If BOTH athletes clear the ladder they will have a 30sec amrap of Snatches at 125lbs

Scaled Ground to Overhead

Scaled Male weight Row 1 135/145/155/165/175 Row 2 225/215/205/195/185 Row 3 235/245/250/255/260 If BOTH athletes clear the ladder they will have a 30sec amrap 135lbs

Scaled Female weight Row 1 85/95/105/115/125 Row 2 155/145/140/135/130 Row 3 160/165/170/175/180 If BOTH athletes clear the ladder they will have a 30sec amrap 95lbs

Mixed team will snatch the same weights as above but there will be two bars in the lifting square. Only one athlete can lift at a time. Score is weight lifted Athlete Brief 15 barbells will be preloaded, increasing in weight. Teams will enter the ladder one at a time, on the minute. They will have 30 seconds to complete the lift, with a 30 second transition. If one athlete fails to complete the lift, the other will be able to continue advancing until they fail or finish the last bar. The score will be combined heaviest lifts for each athlete.

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Blue Christmas Without You

2 rounds for time
Partner one row 30/25 cals
Partner two ski 30/25 cals
50 ft worm lunge
20 synchro HSPU
50 ft worm lunge

Round 2 athletes must switch equipment
50ft worm lunge
20 synchro HSPU
50ft lunge worm lunge
Score is time
time cap 12:00 
Tie break will be the time of the first round 

Athlete Brief

Both athletes will start on the starting mat. At 3,2,1, GO both athletes will move to a piece of equipment, and start working to complete the prescribed calories. 30 calories for the Men and 25 calories for the Ladies. Once both partners complete the calories they will then move to the starting line and pick up the worm and begin a 50ft lunge with the worm on the shoulder. You must lunge in synchro and your knee must touch the ground and stand to full extension at the top. Both athletes must cross the green line to be able to drop the worm and continue to the HSPU.

A box will be marked on the floor in front of the wall where handstand push-ups will be performed. Both athletes will start together in the up position, come down and touch the floor together and lock out together. The reps are counted when both athletes are in the locked out position. After the 20th rep is complete athletes will then move to the worm and lunge back to the starting line, change machines and complete the same rep scheme as before. Time will end once the worm returns back to the starting line and both athletes are on the starting mats.

Scaled athletes must complete wall walks; The rep begins with the athlete laying flat, chest and thighs on the ground, with legs straight. The athlete will walk up the wall with their feet until both hands touch the line (marked at 32”) at the same time, before returning back to the ground, controlled. If an athlete fails a rep, it is still that athletes responsibility to complete the rep before the other athlete. The resting athlete must remain prone until the other athlete returns to the ground. 

Partner one row 25/20 cals
Partner two ski 25/20 cals
50 ft worm lunge
12 Alternating Wall Walks 
Tie break will be the time of the first round